信報 周永新 2009-09-17
回歸12年 多了22萬窮人
二○○九年七月,綜援個案的數目達二十九萬宗,雖較二○○五年的最高數字少了八千宗,但較回歸那一年增加了十萬三千宗或百分之五十五。若以人數計算,二 ○○七年依靠綜援維生的市民共四十九萬六千多人,較一九九七年增加二十一萬四千人,增幅百分之七十五。換言之,領取綜援市民的人數在過去十二年(今年七月領取綜援的市民約五十萬,但我手頭沒有準確資料)急速增加,令香港現有七百萬人口中,超過百分之七必須依靠綜援過活。
Ismail SirageldinProfessor Emeritus, The Johns Hopkins University
The development of effective policies for poverty reduction and the monitoring of their progress and efficacy may not be feasible without a clear definition of poverty that could be measured with consistency across space and time. However, there are known difficult problems with defining and measuring poverty. There is no optimal definition or a measurement technique to compare poverty across countries or even within a country. Three decades ago, Martin Rein (1970: 46) identified three broad concepts of poverty that seem to encompass most of the difficulties associated with poverty analysis: subsistence, inequality, and externality. Subsistence is concerned with “minimum of provisions needed to maintain health and working capacity”(capabilities). Inequality is concerned with the “relative position of income groups toeach other.” Hence, the concept of poverty must be seen in the context of society asa whole. Poverty cannot be fully understood by isolating the poor and focusing on their behavior as a special group. It is equally important to understand the behavior of the rest of society especially the richer segment and the rich economies.Externality is concerned with the “social consequences of poverty for the rest of society rather than in terms of the needs of the poor. It is not so much the misery and plight of the poor but the discomfort and cost to the non-poor part of the community which is crucial to this view of poverty.” This latter view provides the political and social dimension of policies dealing with poverty. On the one hand, the poverty line serves as an index of the disutility to the community of the persistence of poverty. It reflects the extent of socio political commitment (cf. Smolensky 1966).On the other hand, it opens the door for the analysis of poverty as a social stratification problem,whether poverty is inherited across generations, or confined in geographic locations.The conceptualization of poverty has advanced since then, especially itsmacroeconomic linkages with distribution and growth. Recent advances in thisdirection have been helpful in elucidating poverty-related policies and strategies (cf.Ali and Elbadawi 1999, Squire 1999, and papers presented at the 1999 World BankStiglitz Summer Research Workshop on Poverty, and references cited there-in).However, understanding the sociopolitical environment and required institutionalcapacities on the local, national, or international levels continue to raise challengesand unsettled conceptual and measurements problems necessary for developingeffective policies and strategies.behavior, free-rider-type behavior, or the institutionalization of poverty. Thediscussion leads to exploring the role of Islam as a system of ethical axioms insupporting policies designed to eliminate poverty while enhance sustainable growthand equitable human development. Finally, the paper ends with concluding remarks. Each of the concepts outlined by Rein presents numerous conceptual, definitional,and measurement problems. Some continue to be part of the active research on thesubject as reflected, for example, in the cautionary endnotes on the data quality,conceptual, and measurement difficulties with data published recently on nationaland international poverty lines (2000 World Development Indicators: 65). It is notevident, for example, whether “the international poverty line measures the samedegree of need or deprivation across countries” (ibid). The same is true forcomparing poverty measures within countries, e.g., rural-urban comparisons. In anattempt to bring together four basic dimensions of human deprivation, the HumanDevelopment Report (1999) developed a multidimensional Human Poverty Index(HPI) based on health status, knowledge, economic provisioning, and socialinclusion. Although maintaining the same conceptual dimensions, the indicators ofthe HPI vary between the developing countries (HPI1) and the industrializedcountries (HPI2). For example, for the latter countries, income measure was used toindicate economic provisions while public provisioning was used for the developingcountries. The HPI provides useful cross-sectional and temporal internationalcomparisons. For the developing countries, the HPI1 reveals that, in 1997, humanpoverty ranges from a low of 2.6 percent in Barbados to a high of 65.5 percent inNiger. Thirty countries had a poverty index of at least 25 percent and fourteencountries with at least 35 percent. The incidence of poverty is widespread andconcentrated in Africa and south Asia. However, the HPI seems to suffer from thesame problems mentioned above, of data quality and consistency, and, being amacro indicator, the difficulty of interpreting the findings for policy analysis or theformulation of poverty-reduction strategies.